====== Data ====== ^ Blocks ^ Description ^ | {{blocks:list.png|}} | Create a list (default 1 item in the list == number 1 | | {{blocks:dictionary.png|}} | Report a dictionary object | | {{blocks:count.png|}} | Report number of items in a list | | {{blocks:isempty.png|}} | Report True if list is empty | | {{blocks:doescontain.png|}} | Report if data contains the value | | {{blocks:first.png|}} | Report first item in the list | | {{blocks:last.png|}} | Report last item in a list | | {{blocks:at.png|}} | Report item at position in list | | {{blocks:setdataat.png|}} | Set item at position in a list to a value | | {{blocks:atrandom.png|}} | Report random item in a list (or string) | | {{blocks:todataadd.png|}} | Append an item to a list | | {{blocks:tolistatstart.png|}} | Insert item at start of list | | {{blocks:todataaddall.png|}} | Append items in seconds list to the first list | | {{blocks:fromdataremove.png|}} | Remove an item from the list | | {{blocks:sorted.png|}} | Report a sorted version of a list | | {{blocks:shuffled.png|}} | Report a shuffled version of a list | | {{blocks:reversed.png|}} | Report a reversed sorted version of a list | | {{blocks:flattened.png|}} | Convert a list of nested lists into a single list containing all the leaves of the original structure | | {{blocks:join.png|}} | Report several lists as one list | | {{blocks:copy.png|}} | Report a copied version of a list | | {{blocks:copyfrom.png|}} | Report a shorter copied version of a list | | {{blocks:infind.png|}} | Report the position of an item in a list (if it exists) | | {{blocks:infindlast.png|}} | Report the last position of an item in a list (if it exists) | | {{blocks:tolist.png|}} | Convert an Array into a List. Seldom needed. |