First I've changed the like the following:
Code: Select all
method startupFile AppMaker {
return '
to startup {
setGlobal ''vectorTrails'' false
to openProjectEditorApp {
setGlobal 'alanMode' false
setGlobal 'app' true
page = (newPage 800 500)
setDevMode page false
setGlobal 'page' page
open page true
editor = (initialize (new 'ProjectEditor') (emptyProject))
addPart page editor
pageResized editor
developerModeChanged editor
enterPresentation editor
openProjectFromFile (last (allInstances 'Stage')) 'project.gpp'
startSteppingSafely page true
broadcast 'go'
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method interactionLoop Page {
while true {
doOneCycle this
if (and (global 'app') (not (isPresenting (last (allInstances 'Stage'))))) {
enterPresentation (last (allInstances 'ProjectEditor'))