minimal message server?

Questions about GP commands and how to do things

Moderator: MSandro

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Posts: 162
Joined: Jul 26th, '17, 21:12

minimal message server?

Post by MSandro » Nov 11th, '17, 21:29

Hi, I am working on an modified version of GPs "CloudDataServer", but in some situationes I stuck. So I tried to build my own message server from the ground up as simple as posible,for better understanding - but I failed. The client can connect to the server but I have problems with the message handling.

What I tried:
Creating a "server" with only the ability to put/send data on/to it. All putten messages should be printed in the console.
And one client wich should be able to send this message to the server, the message contain the command "put" and one argument.
sender.png (10.3 KiB) Viewed 14550 times
I don't understand the "blob" commands, so I tried to send the message only with the "put" command and one "arg" wich the user should enter.

Can someon help me with this, please?

Posts: 379
Joined: Sep 11th, '15, 14:42

Re: minimal message server?

Post by JohnM » Nov 16th, '17, 15:57

I don't see a call to "startServer" anywhere; part of the problem might be that your server isn't running.

If you put your simple server and client into a single project and post it here I can take a look.

Posts: 162
Joined: Jul 26th, '17, 21:12

Re: minimal message server?

Post by MSandro » Nov 17th, '17, 18:34

Thank you, I am a bit confused with this stuff...

Here is the file:
(7.41 KiB) Downloaded 920 times

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