- open a new project
- drag the ship to (300, 200)
- save to a new project
- close GP Blocks environment
- re-start GP Blocks
- load the previously saved project
My students and I have determined that the settings that are restored include the location, color and direction of an object. We accidentally discovered that the alpha value (as specified in "set alpha" from the Looks menu) is also restored. Our current project involves working with the alpha channel in colors. A student mistakenly clicked on "set alpha" (with it's default value of 0.5) instead of expanding the "color" block to reveal the spot for an alpha value. Clicking on the "set alpha" block changed the alpha value. That change was retained when the project was saved and restored when the project was opened later.
Is there a list of all of the settings that are restored when a project is loaded? In other words, what values must be explicitly set as part of the initialization to guarantee a consistent environment when the program is run?
- location
- direction
- scale
- alpha
- etc, etc, etc