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DragNDropList.gpp sorted block different than current one

Posted: Jul 5th, '16, 02:31
by MrSteve
In Widgets -> DragNDropList.gpp class MyList you find a sorted block that looks like this (from "when I receive 'list changed"):
Screen Shot 2016-07-04 at 10.21.12 PM.png
This sorted has two parameters the list (aka parts) and the sort function. Yet the sorted block in data (which is the only one I can find even using shift click) only has one paramenter as shown below:
Screen Shot 2016-07-04 at 10.23.25 PM.png
Screen Shot 2016-07-04 at 10.23.25 PM.png (9 KiB) Viewed 7616 times
I like the ability for students to define their own sort functions, but can't find the block to do it, except in this project.

Re: DragNDropList.gpp sorted block different than current one

Posted: Jul 5th, '16, 02:48
by MrSteve
Okay I think my post may explains why every time I make a mod to DragNDropList.gpp and save it, I get an exception when trying to open the modification.

To re-create the issue:
1) Open DragNDropList.gpp
2) Save it under a different name
3) Try and re-open the file saved in Step 2

Re: DragNDropList.gpp sorted block different than current one

Posted: Jul 7th, '16, 12:55
by JohnM
Thanks for reporting this bug. I've reproduced it and will dig into the problem.