Version 69

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Joined: Sep 11th, '15, 14:42

Version 69

Post by JohnM » Jul 5th, '17, 14:20

The latest version of GP, v069, is available from

This version introduces a new file open/save dialog box.

GP now saves user's projects in a GP folder in their Document's folder. This will allow GP to be run on shared a file server and every user will save and open their projects in their own GP folder. The example projects that come with GP are now stored inside the 'runtime' folder and treated as read-only. If the user remixes one of these projects, the remixed version is saved in their GP folder.

There are some changes to the example projects. More changes (and more starter projects) coming soon.

For those who have Macintoshes with Retina displays, GP now runs in retina mode by default. You can make it run in low resolution mode by checking the "Open in Low Resoution" checkbox in the info settings.

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