We’ve been hard at work making GP run faster in your browser.
We've switched to a new web technology called WebAssembly that runs GP up to twice as fast in browsers that support it. We've also allowed your browser to cache GP locally so that it loads faster after the first time.
If WebAssembly is not supported by your browser, it falls back to Javascript. Thus, GP should run on all modern browsers that support Javascript, even if they do not (yet) support WebAssembly.
Which browser runs GP the fastest right now? Firefox, by a wide margin! Firefox is followed by Safari, Chrome, Silk, and Edge. To benchmark GP on your browser, enter developer mode (using the right-button menu on the Stage) and select "benchmark..." from the Stage menu.
We've tested many browsers on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux, but there are a few we haven't tested, such as Opera. If GP doesn't work in your browser, please post on the "Bugs" topic to let us know. Be sure to include your browser name and version and your OS name and version. (We already know that GP doesn't work on Internet Explorer 9 and earlier.)