Posted: Sep 15th, '15, 01:03
Welcome to GP!
Thank you for your interest in GP.
As you know, GP is under active development, which means that it will evolve. Commands will be added, removed, or changed. The UI will definitely change. The stage coordinate system or project file format could change, perhaps breaking older projects or requiring them to be updated. At a deeper level, if we discover that the current class-instance object model is too difficult for beginners, we might try a more Scratch-like model, or something totally different. We'll try to ease the bumps and alert you before big changes, but if GP is like Scratch, it will need to go through several radical redesigns before we finally get it right.
The best way to create a programming language that works for beginners and "casual programmers" is to iterate: build something, try it, notice all the things that are not working well, fix those things, and try again -- over and over. I hope some of you will help us with this process. If you test GP in a class or informal learning setting, we'd love to hear from you! What's working well? What's not working well? What do GP learners want to do that they can't do easily in GP? What concepts require the most explanation?
This forum is a place to share information about GP: questions and answers, bugs and success stories, tips and techniques, and even cool GP projects we create. If there isn't an existing forum that fits your topic, feel free to suggest a new forum in the "Forum Suggestions" forum. Note that the forums are only visible to invited GP alpha testers, and new user accounts must be approved before a user can view or post. If someone on your team wants to join, have them create a new account, then send us an email via the "Contact us" link at the bottom of the page explaining their connection to you.
Again, thanks for helping us test and improve GP.
-- The GP Team
Thank you for your interest in GP.
As you know, GP is under active development, which means that it will evolve. Commands will be added, removed, or changed. The UI will definitely change. The stage coordinate system or project file format could change, perhaps breaking older projects or requiring them to be updated. At a deeper level, if we discover that the current class-instance object model is too difficult for beginners, we might try a more Scratch-like model, or something totally different. We'll try to ease the bumps and alert you before big changes, but if GP is like Scratch, it will need to go through several radical redesigns before we finally get it right.
The best way to create a programming language that works for beginners and "casual programmers" is to iterate: build something, try it, notice all the things that are not working well, fix those things, and try again -- over and over. I hope some of you will help us with this process. If you test GP in a class or informal learning setting, we'd love to hear from you! What's working well? What's not working well? What do GP learners want to do that they can't do easily in GP? What concepts require the most explanation?
This forum is a place to share information about GP: questions and answers, bugs and success stories, tips and techniques, and even cool GP projects we create. If there isn't an existing forum that fits your topic, feel free to suggest a new forum in the "Forum Suggestions" forum. Note that the forums are only visible to invited GP alpha testers, and new user accounts must be approved before a user can view or post. If someone on your team wants to join, have them create a new account, then send us an email via the "Contact us" link at the bottom of the page explaining their connection to you.
Again, thanks for helping us test and improve GP.
-- The GP Team