You only need two classes to complete this tutorial: - Here the categories are defined - Here the blocks are assigned and designed.
Table of Content:
1. Add a new category
2. Add blocks to your category
3. Define a color for the blocks
1. Add a new category
Before you start thinking about the blocks, you should consider whether your category should appear in Developer or User mode.
> At first you have to open the file.
> If you want to add your category to DevMode, search for “method devModeCategories” otherwise search for “method userModeCategories”. Both are simple methods that return an array of category names. Add your category to the list of your choice. As this list is sorted, the categories also appear in GP. You have the choice at which point you would like to add the category.
Here is a example:
Code: Select all
method devModeCategories Scripter {
return (array 'Control' 'Motion' 'Looks' 'Drawing' 'Drawing - Paths' 'Color' 'Pixels' 'Sensing' 'Pen' 'Sound' 'Music' 'Operators' 'Variables' 'Words' 'Data' 'Table' 'Structure' 'Network' 'Functions' 'Serial Port' 'File Stream' ‘MSandro’ 'Debugging' 'My Blocks')
That's it for the first part. Now you can start GP and you should see your new category in the appropriate mode.
2. Add blocks to your category
Wow, now you have your own category, but there is nothing in it. That’s why we need to add some Blocks to it. For that, we need the “” class. Open it and search for “method initialSpecs”. This method returns a array with all categories and their blocks. It’s a array with a lot of arrays in it.
> Scroll down to the end of this big array. The last block should be ‘Obsolete’. Copy it and paste it under the block. Now rename ‘Obsolete’ to the name of your category. This should now look like this:
Code: Select all
(array 'r' 'self_touchingMouse' 'touching mouse?')
(array ' ' 'self_setAlpha' 'set alpha _' 'num' 0.5)
(array 'r' 'self_touchingMouse' 'touching mouse?')
(array ' ' 'self_setAlpha' 'set alpha _' 'num' 0.5)
> Now I'll gonna explain how blocks are defined in those sub-arrays.
° The first attribute defines the type of the block. There are only 3 types:
° The second attribute defines the method which you want to call with the block.‘ ‘ - defines a normal block
‘r’ - defines a reporter block
‘h’ - defines a header block
° The next defines the text layout of the block. Underlines symbolize a variable. You can also create expandable blocks. Whit : you can separate block parts. With ": ..." you can repeat the last part infinitely often.
° The next attribute defines the variable types. You can specify any types of objects (strings: str, numbers: num, boolean: bool, …). There are also some special types that could be interesting:
° With the last attribute you can define default values for your input variables. This is – can be a string or number
cmd – are used for e.g. the forever block
> Now you know how blocks are defined in this list. So let’s start adding yours. I’ll give you some examples here:
Code: Select all
(array 'r' 'dictionary' 'dictionary')
Code: Select all
(array ' ' 'atNewIndexPut' 'add to _ at index _ key _ value _' 'dict auto auto auto')
3. Define a color for the blocks
At least, you may want to set a color for your blocks in your custom category. This is very simple. In the search for “method blockColorForCategory”. Now copy the ‘Obsolete’ part and paste it under it. Change the ‘Obsolete’ in your part to the name of your category. At (color . . .) you can define the color for your blocks.
Code: Select all
} ('MSandro' == cat) {
return (color 0 200 200)
I hope this tutorial was helpful. I am happy to answer any question about this topic.
Thank you for reading.