suggestions for the forum-structure

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Moderator: MSandro

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Joined: Jul 26th, '17, 21:12

suggestions for the forum-structure

Post by MSandro » Mar 12th, '18, 22:13

Hi, I have some major suggestions for a new section in the forum named "Advanced" with the following sub-sections: "Extending GP" and "Advanced TIpps and Tutorials". Extending GP seemst to be advanced stuff, and I am planning to deal with GP a bit more in the near future. Above all, I would like to know more about how GP works in the deepest. I figured it would be a good start to explore the IDE. As a result, I have already come across various possibilities that I would like to share as advanced tips and tutorials in the forum.

Posts: 379
Joined: Sep 11th, '15, 14:42

Re: suggestions for the forum-structure

Post by JohnM » Mar 25th, '18, 14:13

Excellent idea! I've just set this up. I separated "Tips" and "Tutorials". I think a "Tip" should explain a single idea that can be done in a single step, such as "Entering Developer Mode". In contrast, a "Tutorial" would typically involve a number of steps.

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