UI Request: Hide other areas?

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UI Request: Hide other areas?

Post by mguzdial » Oct 7th, '15, 18:18

The Present button lets me hide everything but the stage, which is great. But I can imagine situations where I *just* want the scripting area and the blocks pane. (I'm not sure if I'm using the canonical names for these areas.)

For example, I could imagine having a powerful enough set of blocks (e.g., for audio manipulation, or for data manipulation) where I don't care about classes and instances, and I don't need the stage. I'd like to be able to hide them entirely and just have the scripting side of the house in my GP application.

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Joined: Sep 11th, '15, 14:42

Re: UI Request: Hide other areas?

Post by JohnM » Oct 7th, '15, 19:44

There's not a button that does that, but you can grab the right edge of the palette/scripts area and drag it over to the right side of the window, effectively hiding the stage and class/instance panes. Is that good enough?

You can also drag the border between the palette and the scripts area to change the balance between palette space scripting space.

Posts: 70
Joined: Sep 15th, '15, 11:21

Re: UI Request: Hide other areas?

Post by mguzdial » Oct 8th, '15, 01:38

I tried that, but couldn't grab them. Now that I know that it should work, I'll try again.

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Joined: Jun 16th, '16, 01:22

Re: UI Request: Hide other areas?

Post by MrSteve » Jul 2nd, '16, 04:26

One thought would be to allow everything to be scriptable. I know it is, but I haven't figured out how to set the width/height and/or show/hide the various parts of the UI.

This would be useful to help deal with cognitive overload and help guide students focus. In particular one could hide the block palettes and place into the scripting area only those blocks you expect the student to use. Although I still prefer the ability to have executable blocks in the stage. But for now I could simply say use only the blocks I left on the stage for you.

Also I tried resizing and it works to a point you can hide the stage, but the effect doesn't persist when you save the project and re-open (after closing GP) the default sizes return.

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