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loaded extensions map different tiles to same code

Posted: Aug 2nd, '16, 00:52
by MrSteve
Create a file (see attached) which has extensions of two different tiles I put into the Holder category.

To recreate:

1) Open new project
2) Load extensions from boardExt.gpp (attached)
3) Create a class named "tile"
4) In tile class add tiles as shown b
Screen Shot 2016-08-01 at 8.50.04 PM.png
5) Add tileCreator tile from holder category to MyClass
6) Click on tileCreator tile (enter a board size, ex: 4)
7) hit <space> key (this will cause behavior of tileCreator to be executed instead of initTile

Re: loaded extensions map different tiles to same code

Posted: Aug 2nd, '16, 01:43
by MrSteve
Much simpler example project with same issue:

Sample project has two blocks defined: moveMe and turnMe (with associated move and turn block in each)
Saved these in twoBlocks category.

Created new project and loaded extensions.
Both blocks turn

Re: loaded extensions map different tiles to same code

Posted: Aug 3rd, '16, 19:28
by JohnM
This should be fixed in v55.