The code is very simple and I don't see why it would crash, maybe it saved wrong or something? Any help would be appreciated!
Code: Select all
moduleVariables true
defineClass stage morph
method initialize stage {
self_setDraggable false
self_setPosition 0 0
self_createCostume (stageWidth) (stageHeight) (colorSwatch 255 255 255 255)
script 'stage' 54 74 {
whenBroadcastReceived 'go'
while true {
if (and (and ((self_mouseX) < 175) ((self_mouseX) > -175)) (and ((self_mouseY) < -10) ((self_mouseY) > -60))) {
self_setFont 'Symbol' 72
self_drawText 'zthe junglez' (((self_getWidth) - (stringWidth 'zThe Junglez')) / 2) ((((self_getHeight) - (fontHeight)) / 2) - 50) (colorSwatch 56 56 56 255)
self_fillRect (((self_getWidth) - ((self_getWidth) / 2)) / 2) (((self_getHeight) / 2) + 10) ((self_getWidth) / 2) 50 (colorSwatch 75 75 75 255) 16
self_fillRect ((((self_getWidth) - ((self_getWidth) / 2)) / 2) + 2) (((self_getHeight) / 2) + 12) (((self_getWidth) / 2) - 4) (50 - 4) (colorSwatch 75 75 75 255) 16
self_setFont 'Tahoma' 32
self_drawText 'Play' (((self_getWidth) - (stringWidth 'Play')) / 2) ((((self_getHeight) - (fontHeight)) / 2) + 33) (colorSwatch 255 255 255 255)
if (handIsDown) {
broadcastAndWait 'clear'
} else {
self_setFont 'Symbol' 72
self_drawText 'zthe junglez' (((self_getWidth) - (stringWidth 'zThe Junglez')) / 2) ((((self_getHeight) - (fontHeight)) / 2) - 50) (colorSwatch 56 56 56 255)
self_fillRect (((self_getWidth) - ((self_getWidth) / 2)) / 2) (((self_getHeight) / 2) + 10) ((self_getWidth) / 2) 50 (colorSwatch 75 75 75 255) 16
self_fillRect ((((self_getWidth) - ((self_getWidth) / 2)) / 2) + 2) (((self_getHeight) / 2) + 12) (((self_getWidth) / 2) - 4) (50 - 4) (colorSwatch 255 255 255 255) 16
self_setFont 'Tahoma' 32
self_drawText 'Play' (((self_getWidth) - (stringWidth 'Play')) / 2) ((((self_getHeight) - (fontHeight)) / 2) + 33) (colorSwatch 56 56 56 255)
initialize this
script 'stage' 486 50 {
whenBroadcastReceived 'clear'
initialize this
script 'stage' 650 67 {
method initialize stage {}