Is it allowed to submit a modified version of GP in this forum?

Extending or modifying the GP system itself (advanced!)

Moderator: MSandro

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Is it allowed to submit a modified version of GP in this forum?

Post by MSandro » May 18th, '18, 15:52

Hi, I am working on several improvements on GP. So I thought about publishing my own version (the lib folder) on this forum soon.
Is it allowed to do that?

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Re: Is it allowed to submit a modified version of GP in this forum?

Post by Calloway » May 19th, '18, 22:21

Oh hehe I was gonna ask the same thing, didn't realize you already did the same modifications, great minds think alike ;P

I thought you were helping develop this project now, though, or are you just helping around?

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Re: Is it allowed to submit a modified version of GP in this forum?

Post by MSandro » May 20th, '18, 08:18


Currently I only help around where I can. I am only moderator on this forum but not a official developer. I would like to be.

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Re: Is it allowed to submit a modified version of GP in this forum?

Post by Calloway » May 20th, '18, 13:57

Aw maybe John will make you a developer when the project develops

And does GP even have a license currently?

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Re: Is it allowed to submit a modified version of GP in this forum?

Post by MSandro » May 20th, '18, 14:45


I think there should be a licence.txt in the runtime folder. I'll take a look on it later.

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Re: Is it allowed to submit a modified version of GP in this forum?

Post by Calloway » May 20th, '18, 15:05

Reading it, it seems as if you are able to modify it all you want, as long as you still provide the license and notices. So I guess it is allowed but you might have to wait until John Maloney voices his opinion on the matter before you do anything...

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Re: Is it allowed to submit a modified version of GP in this forum?

Post by SimpleSi » May 25th, '18, 14:34

My view on this.

The GP project is still underdevelopment - it is not a finished product by any means so I would not publish an amended version at this time.

We don't need



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Re: Is it allowed to submit a modified version of GP in this forum?

Post by Picochilla » May 28th, '18, 20:18

I am sure that it is allowed to publish your improved GP classes (the lib folder) because the part of GP which was written in GP is open to read for everyone. The interpreter / VM is closed source, so I am sure that it is not posible to change anything at this layer.

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Re: Is it allowed to submit a modified version of GP in this forum?

Post by JohnM » Jul 2nd, '18, 16:15

Both SimpleSI and Calloway raise good points.

There are two groups to consider in thinking about this:

1. Many educators use GP in its current form as an introduction to programming. For them, it's best for GP to change relatively slowly and for it to match the tutorials, movies, and other materials on the GP website.

2. Some advanced GP users, many of whom are active on these forums, are interested in experimenting with and improving GP, and I'd love to encourage them. Besides learning a great deal, this group may invent and refine new features that could eventually get folded back into the core GP to the benefit of all.

After much thought and discussion, MSandro and I came up with a way to serve both these groups. We've created a Github repository with a very slightly modified version of GP that folks in the second group are invited to fork and modify. Since we don't want educators to be confused by one of these modified versions of GP, the base repository changes the name to "GP-Mod" and replaces the GP icon with a new "GP Mod" icon designed by MSandro. (Anyone who creates a mod can, of course, create a custom logo for their mod.)

See the "Want to create your own mod of GP? Try GP-Mods!" post in the Announcements forum for additional info and a link to the GP Mod Github repository.

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