Search found 41 matches
- Apr 13th, '24, 01:31
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Word Clock
- Replies: 0
- Views: 15971
Word Clock
i was browsing the forum at and came across a coding challenge posed by @cymplecy - and i couldn't resist it. i was able to submit a version in snap but i took the liberty of extending the challenge in GP and here's the outcome. essentially the challenge is to come up with...
- Sep 1st, '23, 09:31
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Fuzzy Search
- Replies: 0
- Views: 112562
Fuzzy Search
i came across a fuzzy search algorithm embedded on page 28 of this government publication!&&p=c7e8b224d2514dfbJmltdHM9MTY5MzUyNjQwMCZpZ3VpZD0xN2IzNmI3ZC04ZDFkLTY3ODEtMmMxMC03OWJlOGM1MTY2YzQmaW5zaWQ9NTI0Nw&ptn=3&hsh=3&fclid=17b36b7d-8d1d-6781-2c10-79be8c5166c4&u=a1aHR0cHM6L...
- Aug 15th, '22, 04:54
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Base64 encoder/decoder
- Replies: 0
- Views: 32675
Base64 encoder/decoder
i've uploaded my base64 encoder/decoder for anyone who might need it.
here's a snapshot of the top of the program: here's the program
here's a snapshot of the top of the program: here's the program
- Jul 10th, '22, 08:14
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Amortization Schedule
- Replies: 0
- Views: 31455
Amortization Schedule
amortization table anyone? i've always wondered about the Table components in the component gallery of GP blocks. i've decided to use them in building this amortization program. at the start, it asks for the loan amount (800000), the annual interest rate (4.8), the payment period (360 - # of payment...
- Jun 19th, '22, 04:21
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: 15-puzzle, aka sliding tile puzzle
- Replies: 1
- Views: 16459
15-puzzle, aka sliding tile puzzle
i would like to share my GP version of the classic 15-puzzle (aka sliding tile puzzle)
here's the program
press Go to start!here's the program
- Mar 28th, '22, 19:50
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Daily Horoscope via API
- Replies: 0
- Views: 31986
Daily Horoscope via API
i found an API that gives a daily horoscope it didn't take long for me to code this wrapper around it.
here's a sample screenshot. and here's the project:
here's a sample screenshot. and here's the project:
- Mar 20th, '22, 04:33
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: HOROSKOV - horoscope generator via Markov chain
- Replies: 0
- Views: 31484
HOROSKOV - horoscope generator via Markov chain
i just created a GP program that generates horoscopes by using a Markov chain model. source data of about 200 lines of published horoscope text is read and loaded following the rules for building the data structure - and it's ready! here are a few sample "horoscopes" generated by Horoskov!
- Mar 10th, '22, 08:22
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Create a Fake Wordle Puzzle Splash Page!
- Replies: 0
- Views: 31622
Create a Fake Wordle Puzzle Splash Page!
if you’re be doing a presentation soon, or you’ll be meeting with your team and will be sharing a report, or you need to make a fake wordle puzzle (partially solved) in a hurry, this is for you! create a wordle “game” in progress and present it to your audience as a splash page or report cover! just...
- Mar 7th, '22, 04:27
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: wordle solver in GP
- Replies: 0
- Views: 31871
wordle solver in GP
it was only a matter of time... here's a screen shot showing the interaction between wordle solver and wordle player. gpsolver.jpg you start both apps but the solver makes the first move and proposes a first guess (in this example, "quail"). enter this word into the player and wait for its response....
- Feb 27th, '22, 07:11
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: wordle in GP!
- Replies: 2
- Views: 15893
Re: wordle in GP!
i fixed a bug. if the target word was LADLE and the guess was EAGLE, it marked the first E as yellow but did not mark the last E as green! now it marks the last E as green but the first E as unused.
this version fixes cases like these.
this version fixes cases like these.