Search found 9 matches

by GPTeam
Jul 2nd, '18, 15:13
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Want to create your own mod of GP? Try GP-Mods!
Replies: 0
Views: 135331

Want to create your own mod of GP? Try GP-Mods!

Are you an advanced GP user who would like to create your own customized version of GP? Are you comfortable working with textual code and using GIT -- or willing to learn those skills? Now, thanks to MSandro, you can create fork your own GP mod on Github by forking this repository:
by GPTeam
Apr 10th, '18, 20:21
Forum: Announcements
Topic: GP Twitter and YouTube
Replies: 0
Views: 19821

GP Twitter and YouTube

Did you know that GP has its own Twitter feed? It's at:

GP also has a YouTube channel: ... 72Q/videos

by GPTeam
Mar 30th, '18, 14:35
Forum: Getting started
Topic: Request a Forum Account!
Replies: 0
Views: 113104

Request a Forum Account!

If you are using GP and would like to post to these forums, welcome! Unfortunately, due to the high volume of spammer registrations (many dozens per day) we've had to disable automatic forum registration. To join the GP forums, please use the "Contact us" link at the the bottom of the page and inclu...
by GPTeam
Mar 30th, '18, 13:09
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Chromebook App
Replies: 0
Views: 15935

Chromebook App

Update: After testing we found that (a) the GP Chrome App can fail to launch on Chromebooks with only 2 GB of RAM and (b) Chrome Apps cannot be installed on Chromebooks in many school settings. As a result, we have withdrawn support for Chrome Apps for now. We recommend simply using GP in the brows...
by GPTeam
Mar 30th, '18, 12:59
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Faster GP in Browsers
Replies: 0
Views: 15756

Faster GP in Browsers

We’ve been hard at work making GP run faster in your browser. We've switched to a new web technology called WebAssembly that runs GP up to twice as fast in browsers that support it. We've also allowed your browser to cache GP locally so that it loads faster after the first time. If WebAssembly is no...
by GPTeam
Oct 3rd, '17, 11:55
Forum: Announcements
Topic: GP Documentation
Replies: 0
Views: 17217

GP Documentation

GP now has a documentation Wiki, thanks to SimpleSi who suggested it and created most of the content. The Wiki can be visited by clicking the "Documentation" link on GP website. The Wiki already has a complete blocks reference and over time we will add examples and documentation for other aspects of...
by GPTeam
Jul 2nd, '17, 03:09
Forum: Announcements
Topic: GP Beta Test!
Replies: 0
Views: 22069

GP Beta Test!

As of today, GP is in beta test! While we will officially launch the GP beta test with a demo and workshop at the Scratch conference in Bordeaux (, the GP website is now available at: Note that the GP download folder has moved; see https://gpblocks....
by GPTeam
Jun 3rd, '17, 20:11
Forum: Announcements
Topic: GP to enter beta test in July
Replies: 0
Views: 21627

GP to enter beta test in July

As you may have noticed, the banner for the forum recently changed to "GP Beta Test Forum" in preparation for entering beta test in July. The official launch of GP beta test will be at the Scratch conference in Bordeaux, France July 18-22 (, but we are already welcoming...
by GPTeam
Sep 15th, '15, 01:03
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Welcome!
Replies: 0
Views: 20213


Welcome to GP! Thank you for your interest in GP. As you know, GP is under active development, which means that it will evolve. Commands will be added, removed, or changed. The UI will definitely change. The stage coordinate system or project file format could change, perhaps breaking older project...