Search found 161 matches

by MSandro
Mar 6th, '20, 08:43
Forum: Extending GP
Topic: Community Cloud Variables
Replies: 1
Views: 24082

Re: Community Cloud Variables

Hi, thank you very much.

I have merged your pull request in the GP-Mods repository.
by MSandro
Mar 6th, '20, 08:24
Forum: Requests
Topic: Discord for better communication?
Replies: 4
Views: 128652

Re: Discord for better communication?

Hi, I have now created an new Discord Server. Here is the link to join it:
by MSandro
Dec 3rd, '19, 09:07
Forum: Requests
Topic: Where is the download and the changelog of GP 083?
Replies: 2
Views: 21303

Re: Where is the download and the changelog of GP 083?

No, I did not notice any significant changes. I also had no opportunity to look at the version in detail, yet.
by MSandro
Nov 25th, '19, 11:06
Forum: Requests
Topic: Where is the download and the changelog of GP 083?
Replies: 2
Views: 21303

Where is the download and the changelog of GP 083?

Hi, I've noticated a new version of GP. It seems to only be available in the Browser. I can't find a download or a changelog. The version was released on Sep 24. 2019. So it seems this version was about one year in development. I don't...
by MSandro
May 29th, '19, 08:41
Forum: Requests
Topic: An Update?
Replies: 3
Views: 27521

Re: An Update?

As far as I know, John has almost no time for the project, and there are no supporters to fund the project. Therefore, it seems rather dying out. A pity. I would be very happy if at least the source code of the engine would be published. That would allow the community to continue the project.
by MSandro
Apr 8th, '19, 20:09
Forum: Extending GP
Topic: Importing Libraries
Replies: 1
Views: 17484

Re: Importing Libraries

this would be very great
by MSandro
Oct 16th, '18, 16:21
Forum: Extending GP
Topic: A way to add 'Infinite' Integers?
Replies: 4
Views: 27397

Re: A way to add 'Infinite' Integers?

Sounds very nice. But I think the performance would be very low. Working with large integers in GPs current implementatiin isn't performing that good at all.
by MSandro
Sep 24th, '18, 05:40
Forum: Projects
Topic: GP Studio - just an idea and some plans
Replies: 7
Views: 38924

Re: GP Studio - just an idea and some plans

I think I have to do a lot more researches before starting to create an GP application from the ground up. Unfortunaly I currently havn't that much time.
by MSandro
Sep 17th, '18, 07:28
Forum: Extending GP
Topic: Working with Libraries?
Replies: 2
Views: 21185

Re: Working with Libraries?

What kind of Libraries do you exactly mean? Libraries in different language or do you mean libraries writen in GP? You are able to load .gp files from any other directory on your system, you are not limited to the "lib" folder.
by MSandro
Sep 9th, '18, 18:19
Forum: Projects
Topic: GP Studio - just an idea and some plans
Replies: 7
Views: 38924

Re: GP Studio - just an idea and some plans

Not sure currently, but MorphicFramework contains that much stuff which we might not need, so I am currently trying to hard-code those basic stuff by my own. But I am was not really success yet.