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by SimpleSi
Apr 16th, '19, 13:23
Forum: Bugs
Topic: [minor]delete key doesn't seem to be detected
Replies: 2
Views: 23687

Re: [minor]delete key doesn't seem to be detected

Having just posted that - I thought I'd try backspace key - and that was detected as the delete key :)

I imagine this is a Mac/Windows difference?
by SimpleSi
Apr 16th, '19, 13:21
Forum: Bugs
Topic: [minor]delete key doesn't seem to be detected
Replies: 2
Views: 23687

[minor]delete key doesn't seem to be detected

I just noticed that the delete key is in the list of acceptable key press detections but when I tried to use it, it doesn't seem to be detected

This is on Win10
by SimpleSi
Mar 18th, '19, 08:04
Forum: Requests
Topic: Rename the stage to something else
Replies: 2
Views: 26259

Rename the stage to something else

such as canvas or background etc REASON The "Stage" is a well-known construct in Scratch it is the background sprite and can hold scripts (albeit with reduced types of blocks) - the colour can be changed - it can be loaded with an image GP's "stage" is not a sprite and cannot hold scripts or have it...
by SimpleSi
Aug 27th, '18, 21:33
Forum: Requests
Topic: asymetrical encryption/decryption?
Replies: 7
Views: 59480

Re: asymetrical encryption/decryption?

Is there no big math in GP?
There is a little bit of support (addition of big numbers)

I had a go at trying to add multiplication in a earlier beta but it wasn't at all optimised for speed so would be too slow

by SimpleSi
Jun 26th, '18, 11:23
Forum: Requests
Topic: Do in Parallel Block?
Replies: 3
Views: 26952

Re: Do in Parallel Block?

came a new c-block in it called do in parallel

I can't see one

What does it do?
by SimpleSi
Jun 26th, '18, 11:17
Forum: Working with GP
Topic: When Converting Scratch to GP it doesn't Work?
Replies: 2
Views: 22312

Re: When Converting Scratch to GP it doesn't Work?

but you can't say to GP it should whait with the refresh until the custom block is finished.
Not looked at code but couldn't you just add a wait block inside the custom block or after calling it from a main script?
by SimpleSi
May 25th, '18, 14:34
Forum: Extending GP
Topic: Is it allowed to submit a modified version of GP in this forum?
Replies: 8
Views: 40191

Re: Is it allowed to submit a modified version of GP in this forum?

My view on this.

The GP project is still underdevelopment - it is not a finished product by any means so I would not publish an amended version at this time.

We don't need


by SimpleSi
Apr 5th, '18, 17:58
Forum: Requests
Topic: Advertising for GP
Replies: 7
Views: 1279169

Re: Advertising for GP

I've thought about this but I'm not sure GP is quite ready for an influx of young scratchers quite yet
by SimpleSi
Jan 29th, '18, 14:27
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Reference graphics issues on Windows
Replies: 6
Views: 30946

Re: Reference graphics issues on Windows

Since using V0.79 - I've not experienced any loss of focus or missing information in panes using Win10 so I think this issue is now fixed :)
by SimpleSi
Jan 26th, '18, 09:25
Forum: Working with GP
Topic: [example]Reading files one byte at a time
Replies: 1
Views: 19970

[example]Reading files one byte at a time

Just putting this here for anyone wanting to use the new filestream blocks to read large files

There is no end-of-file boolean available but if the byte read has a nil value then we can assume that we've read the whole file